Technology with Me

What is Technology with Me? This is what came into my mind when I saw this blog over the internet. I immediately liked the way the blog looked; simply made but anyone can easily navigate through the blog site. I also read through some of the posts that caught my attention and noticed that it is more than about technology. Although Technology with Me, as the author have posted in the blog, offers free games available for Mac users, it has a mix of other very well written random thoughts of the author, which make the blogs interesting to read. Like the one which is entitled "Buy a New Rug" which is about a guide on how to buy rugs. I am not a "techie" person and sometimes it bores me to read so much about technology especially the ones that are so foreign to my understanding and know how. I noticed though that the author is not fond of putting images in his blog posts, which I think makes any blog post more inviting to read. But nevertheless, I would give thumbs up to the author of Technology with Me, because it didn't bore me to read his blog posts. Keep on informing us about games, latest in technology and a whole a lot more!


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