Quality Kitchen Scissors from Shopscissors.com

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog. So, how's everything with you? Schools out, most children are on vacation and what a great time to do some arts and crafts with the children or maybe some cooking, too…right?
Anyways, I have a great find for you my readers about kitchen shears and kitchen scissors which are important tools in making those artsy things with your kids. It's from http://www.shopscissors.com/ they make these beautifully crafted kitchen scissors made in an expensive process called Hot-Forged; which ensures high quality product that other manufacturers have done away with; other processes are cheaper but the downside is that it compromises the quality of the product. Also, these scissors are certified double-plated hot-forged tools using nickel for luster and chrome for durability, ensuring you a product that is rust and stain resistant. Other companies often only nickel plate their scissor blades. The process costs Shopscissors.com more, but ensures products with maximum service life.
ShopScissors.com specializes in quality, innovative scissors & cutting tools by Acme United, Clauss, and Westcott. and since 1869, ACME, Clauss and Wescott have developed and used this process of making high quality scissors and combined with it the latest equipment thus ensuring standard and precise cutting tools for any surface.
Prices would range from $7.45 to $16.95 a pair. Reasonably priced, don't you think? considering their quality, durability and craftsmanship; really a good investment for your kitchen. And furthermore, they offer low $2.95 same day shipping charge regardless of weight to anywhere in the U.S.A. Check out their website now to find the items you want but if you cannot find them, there's a number you may call at 1 (800) 856-8731.
kitchen scissors