Chicken Carrot Spaghetti

Here is a recipe which was tested by Del Monte with children's panel…guaranteed that it'll be loved by your little children as well!



175g DEL MONTE Spaghetti, cooked according to package directions

2 tbsp cooking oil for sautéing

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 small onion, chopped

½ cup diced or ground chicken meat

80g carrot, grated

1 (250g) pouch DEL MONTE Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce

¼ cup water

½ tsp iodized fine salt



  1. Sauté garlic, onion, chicken, and carrots. Add DEL MONTE Spaghetti Sauce, water, and salt to taste. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour over or mix with cooked DEL MONTE Spaghetti. Top with grated cheese, if desired. Makes 5 servings.





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