Digital Times

Taking pictures of places I am in, of people and whatever that interests me at the moment is one of my favorite pastimes aside from blogging and surfing the internet. Thanks to the innovations that made it possible for people like me, who are not that good in taking pictures but with the technology and all, it makes the pictures I have taken look not only good but great, really!
First, I download the pictures from my digital camera to my laptop by using USB cable, then I edit and lay them out into pretty nice pictures slide; I find it very easy to use Picasa, which is available for free to download at Google. With this, I can edit the pictures I want and the way I want them to appear on the slide. Editing is one of the fun parts because you can put music background, which is quite easy, with just a click and there you go. I like to put effects and background music since it would be great to view them over LCD TV or just on my laptop.
Earlier versions of LCD TV do not have the visual clarity that the later versions have; aside from the fact that the earlier versions have high cost than the CRT TVs before. Now, with fast technological advances, it makes these digital gadgets more affordable and seem more efficient than the conventional ones, plus LCD TVs look sleek with its flat screen and with its compact features it saves space, which is ideal for small houses.
I have to admit though, that laptop is becoming more popular with younger people since they can practically do almost everything with it depending on the specifications their laptop has, aside of course that it is compact and can be brought anywhere and enjoy viewing the pictures they have taken with their digital camera; ors listen to their favorite radio station over the internet or watch TV! With all of these, how can one pass to own a laptop? Laptop prices have even become more affordable over the years and more portable since newer versions weigh less than older ones.
I would certainly recommend to everyone to try using LCD TV or Laptop computer in viewing their digital photos; they would certainly enjoy viewing them much better and with much style!