Ever since I was a kid, I always loved being in the kitchen, and one of the ingredients that my mom always use are Knorr seasonings, and a many more from this label. And since we always have them in the kitchen when I was young, now that I am older, I somehow got the habit of including this label in the shopping cart. But seriously, I like the products, they can make my "bad hair days" in the kitchen look great! I browsed through the internet and found their site
I got interested with this not-so-ordinary-recipe: Bangus (Milk Fish) Carbonara. I thought, maybe I can include this in my list of menu in my Fish/Seafood Category since our family does not eat fish that often. Let me share with you this recipe.
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Main Ingredient: Fish
Serving Size: ()
Dish Type: Saucy (Masarsa)
Mood: Happy
Author: KNORR Kitchen
No. of hits: 378
Date: 1/3/2006
Recipe Featured On:
Rating: Rating 1.0
What You'll Need:
1 tbsp Olive oil (from Bangus Flakes bottle)
2 tbsp Garlic, chopped
3 tbsp Smoke bangus flakes in olive oil
1 pc Knorr Fish Cube
250 ml All purpose cream
200 g Pasta, cooked
2 tbsp Pasta water
1 tbsp Cheese, grated
Knorr Product/s Used:
Knorr Fish Cube
Now Let's Cook:
In a large skillet, on medium low heat, sauté garlic in olive oil. Just as the garlic begins to release its all-time favorite aroma and starts to turn golden brown, squash in the Knorr fish Cube. Now your captivating flavours start build up. Turn heat to low. Stir in bangus flakes and cream. Knorr Fish Cube will amplify the flavor of bangus and lend an overall depth of flavor to your already tasty Carbonora sauce. Simmer for 3-5 minutes.
To prevent your cream from curdling, do not allow your sauce to boil. Add pasta and pasta water. Mix well. Cook just a little bit more until creamy. Immediately transfer to your serving dish and top with cheese.
In case you are cooking for more people, our recipe is easily doubled. If you are cooking for to go ahead and spike your Bangus Carbonara with dried chilli flakes for that extra “heat.”
Cooking Diva Secret:
Step into the marvels of east-west fusion --- the partnership of the east-wesst fusion --- the partnership of the Edam cheese, cream, garlic and smoky flavor of the bangus and can only spell h-e-a-v-e-n-l-y!